2008 US Elections – where US failed and succeeded

US will regret these elections of 2008 forever in its existence here on!

Hatred is a pandora’s box and Palin and McCain have fallen so low that they – knowingly – started throwing stuff that was patently false and openly challenged the character of Obama.  Their rallies have now deteriorated into hate-filled racist gatherings!  Shouts of “traitor,” “terrorist,” “treason,” “liar,” and even “off with his head” and “Kill Him” are commonplace!!  If this was any other country and if the laws of this land were any better and honestly applied – then McCain’s ticket should have been disqualified!  To have your supporters shout that they plan to Kill the opponent and NOT challenge them or even incite them further as Palin and that joker Sheriff did in Florida is being complicit in hate mongering yourself!  Yesterday McCain tried to reverse it and was booed off!!

If McCain loses then his supporters and those whom he and Palin have incited will find ways to hurt Obama and his Government.  And anyone who has seen what happened during the Financial Rescue bill passing.. knows that rift in this country is the LAST thing that its citizens need!!

And if McCain wins, despite Obama’s lead – due to “Bradley effect” .. really euphemism for racism – then all hell will broke loose!  It will create a divide that will be very hard to fill or contain!  What was seen elsewhere in the world’s smaller and volatile countries, will be common place here!

Financial mess, two wars where success is still ways out.. and internal divide – is a recipe for disaster.  And I have not thrown the malafides of the outsiders and competitors in the mix as yet (Al Qaeda, China, Russia etc.).

As I said, whatever be the result… this is an election the kids of today’s generation will look at wonder, amazement and with utmost regret!  This will be the election when what would be good about the US happened right along its worst nightmare!  This will be the elections where the foundational concept of United States of America would have failed and succeeded spectacularly and tellingly!!  Hopefully, everyone will be able to live with the extreme contradictions that we will see hence!