Alternatives to Health Insurance: Two more alternatives

We have been talking of the Alternatives to health Insurance and how to take care when one loses a job.  This is the third article in the series.

Wanted to discuss two options if one loses his/her job and doesn’t qualify for COBRA.

Private Health Insurance:  If one is not eligible for COBRA or cannot pay the premiums that COBRA brings along.. then it is better to shop.  You never know how, by looking around and maybe even splitting your and your spouse’s insurance you could get a better deal – based on your “individual needs”.  One place to start the search is: or talk to an eHealthInsurance licensed agent, free of charge, at 1-800-977-8860

Coverage For All: The site lists public programs for laid off people to help them find an alternative if they cannot get the private insurace.  This site has a database, with more than 176 government-sponsored programs in 50 states and the District of Columbia to help people in need find public health coverage.  Website:

The site has set up an US Uninsured Help Line™—800.234.1317