AP photographers with suspicious credentials in insurgent areas

Journalistic ethics are always in question when one is dealing with times of human tragedy. In 2006, AP photographer Bilal Hussein won the Pulitzer prize for his coverage in Iraq. It was found that Hussein was involved with Al Qaeda and that is what helped him take those close photographs. AP excused the photographer even though bomb making material was found in his apartment.

Now Rahmatullah Naikzad, another AP photographer has taken pictures of two Afghani women murdered by Taliban. These are interesting pictures.

Look at these pictures carefully. The women are sitting and talking to each other and in the next shot they have been shot and lying in a pool of blood while people are watching over. One difference – first shot is a night shot and second is a day shot. So, the photographer was on the scene for quite sometime.

He has other pictures as well that show he was with the Taliban insurgents shooting their preparations and combing operations.

Of course, one of the question that comes to mind on looking at the pictures is – should he have just looked on while Taliban shot these two ladies?

How should it work?

 Technorati : AP, Afghanistan, Bilal Hussein, Iraq, Rahmatullad Naikzad