अफ्रीकी देशों की सीमाएं बिना उनकी स्वीकृति यूरोपीय देशों ने निर्धारित कीं | Scramble For Africa

Did you know boundaries of almost all African Nations were decided by Europeans without the consent of Africans.

Watch the Full Talk here : https://youtu.be/7rqjIqLkp4s

Early European colonialists negated India’s legitimacy as a nation, claiming India did not exist as a unified geo-political entity during ancient times.

Sankrant Sanu turns the lens on the Western countries to examine their political history, existence and geographical boundaries a thousand years ago and questions the validity of European constructs like concepts of country, nation, nationalism and sovereign state, imposed on the whole world as the universal norm. These concepts are not universal but parochial, born out of narrow, fundamentalist and rigid creed

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