Beautiful and Wonderful MÉXICO! (Part II)

Please permit me to mention some very important aspects about the failures had by our current formal educational systems, systems used almost worldwide. Have you ever thought about our ancient accomplishments dealing with the difficult issues about improved methods of education? Remember that in those far away times most people didn’t know how to read, much less how to write. How these lucky people did receive their instruction? Maybe, they were instructed with much better ways, now unknown to us. Let me mention one important example. The Greeks used the walking while discussing important topics learning method. In ancient Indian cultures how did they succeed in achieving this? Your next assignment will be, by doing some intentional thinking, open many questions in your brain regarding this subject.

Our planet has experienced several pathways that lead to learning. Our modern world has stuck, maybe for too long, using the approach LEARNING THROUGH FACTS. Another approach I have successfully employed is LEARNING BY DISCOVERY. In this system we must first empty our cups. We start from zero. We know zip about a topic. Every time we follow this interesting pathway, we give our brains a chance to create many hooks. Hooks which have each one a different question mark. These useful tools are also good in supplying us with a lot of combinations- It’s like a parade formed by many individuals, each one with diverse functions. In order to maximize their effectiveness they are ordered in columns and rows. Each row is made up with twelve warriors. Each column also consists of twelve mental soldiers.

It’s time to continue with our History of México, but now we’re going to play an interesting game. This game will narrow our search. Why? Because by making a raffle, we will pick out only one century. Anyway, one hundred years is a lot in the study of any country. So, please cut a sheet of paper into ten equal pieces. On each piece you must write a century with A.D. For example, if you happen to have chosen the fifth century A.D In your paper will be written ( V A.D ) Understood?

Here I must mention a fact, in the year 1510 A.D. Our country was conquered by the Spanish Conqueror Hernán Cortés.

The way scholars divide the History of México, right now doesn’t matter at all!

So, let’s continue with the second part of this game. Please hold in your hand the chosen piece of paper and tell yourself the following: “From now on, during a whole year I’ll become an expert regarding this century in México” There must be a strong commitment regarding this task. This is a MISSION POSSIBLE. You’re going to share your knowledge with other participants who also have volunteered. Don’t worry you will have a month of preparation before sharing your insights.

I really don’t recall who, or when somebody important said: “If you want to become proficient in doing something useful, try to teach it to somebody, by doing this, you will also become an excellent student” Everybody should have expectancies in our lives, it doesn’t matter how old we are. We are eternal students in the school of life. We are active people, even if our current society looks at us as figures, as just being 100% consumers, and only 10% producers. It’s time to inverse this formula. Let’s be 100% producers and only 10% consumers. I promise you. There’s a lot more that meets the eye.

End of part II. If you get both emotionally, and intellectually involved in these articles you will discover one of the most important moments in your life in part III.