Blu Ray KO'ed HD DVD

Electronics world has been a fight on formats, where the winner takes the spoils.  Last battle was fought for the Video recording at its inception.  VHS (Video Home System) from JVC vs Betamax of Sony.  VHS beat the Sony version, although the JVC format also had some technology components from Sony.

This time around it was a fight between Toshiba and Sony for the High Definition format of DVDs.  So it was HD-DVD from Toshiba and Blu Ray from Sony. Some comparative analysis (CNet . Engadget)

Blu Ray, a little more expensive than HD DVD, just KO’ed its rival as the final punch from Walmart landed.  Such is the strength of the retailers that they can decide the fate of the innovators.  These retailers ARE the market!   Similar decisions in favor of Blu Ray by Target, Best Buy and Netflix also helped Sony beat Toshiba.

Of course, this is bad news for me personally, as I had just spent money to purchase HD DVD a few months back.  I will continue to use it as long as I can to get the maximum out of it anyways!

So what is your take on these two formats?