Brain scan as evidence in a Life Sentence case

Did you know that the World’s first ever case to be decided on the basis of a Brain Scan – which have become more popular as a means to detect the thoughts, desires and intentions of people – was in Pune, Maharashtra in June 2008.  The prosecutors had used an electroencephalogram (EEG) to detect the patterns in a 24 year old woman’s brain when the interrogators read out the details of her fiance’s murder.  Apparently, the reading out triggered a memory response in the brain and it was caught in the scan via the Brain Electrical Oscillations Signature test (BIOS).

The judge gave her a Life sentence.

Hmmm.. who said India’s legal system is not evolved?  We may not get enough justice done.. but when it is done.. we like it the High Tech way 🙂

Btw, do you agree with the way the brain scan was used in this case to decide upon a woman’s life sentence?