Broken Link: Education in the land of the Corrupt and Loot


A facebook friend, Jaya Nair, had an interesting wall message, which talked of how today’s political climate of greed, hubris and loot will affect what and how we learn in schools.

In coming years the revised school curriculums expounding lateral thinking will have a chapter under Modern India pertaining to ‘Scams’. India under the frame work of Scam and scamsters…:P:P

It is an interesting thought.

Why feign?  Our school curriculums, even in MBA schools are juxtaposed in “ideals”.  Ideal company, ideal polity, ideal people etc.  In my entire life, I have yet to see a company which is anywhere close to the companies described in the MBA school text books and having the processes that we were taught about.  Decision making is NOT based on Optimization theorems, but mostly through ego and / or politics and relationships.  Sometimes, even just plain guts. “I felt so” is a good enough proxy for a Game Theory solution.

Some smart MBA schools do factor in the reality.  But what about our normal learning?

We are ruled by a corrupt bunch of arse-holes, because we ourselves are like that.  Then could we learn on how to live in a world full of arse-holes?  Why teach Gandhi?  Or Kabir?  Leave them aside.  They don’t help any.  If at all, they hurt us as we navigate the world.  So many of us, who saw the world through the rose-tinted glasses, often ended up in depression and made all sorts of wrong decisions.

The question therefore, is – Should our education reflect our reality?

When a kid comes out of the school and college, should s/he know how to tackle corrupt people in every walk of life?  Should s/he be able to handle a business which has to be run despite corruption, bribery and political opportunism?

Its just like praying for “a happy life” for children.  No one ever has had a smooth life.  No one!  Ever!  So, why pray for nonsensical things?  Instead, if you have to bless your kid, bless him/her with the ability to handle the tough situations and be equanimous when the going is good.  That is a better way for continued happiness in life.

Sure, we will have a bunch of cynical citizens going around, but at least, we will not be glossing over the mistakes of people just because we have been taught to respect them and fooled by the lies they dish out.

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