Browse Facebook at work in Corporate format

These days the professional and personal lives are very closely entangled.  Many companies – like HP – are specifically making products that cater to both people’s personal and work requirements.  One of most common place for people to hang out is the Facebook page.  More and more people are getting their content from the FB page these days.  But then it is tough to go to the Facebook page while at work.  So how do people take care of their social networking needs while keeping their work decorum?

A Yale computer science major Bay Gross, 20, came up with a unique site after a friend of his who was doing a government internship told him she had to wait until after work to read his Facebook updates.

The site is and it renders the Facebook updates as a business spreadsheet – and calls it “Daily Cash Flow.xls” or “daily cash reconciliation”.  It automatically converts your Facebook news feeds into an Excel spreadsheet.  Content like pictures and videos can be viewed by hovering over the entries, and users can interact by “liking” the updates with a simple click on the spreadsheet.

Do check it out and feel free to use the new Corporate style Facebook rendering,