Changes on Drishtikone and the new life on and

As you might have noticed that last week, I changed the theme again.  And reverted back to my earlier theme – Marinelli.  My last theme was Addari from  The positives for Worthapost’s Addari were the nice looking layout and also more regions to place things in (have blocks with different types of content).  Of course, with the use of Views and Panels, one can somewhat circumvent this limitation.  But the negative is that it is tough to change and has very little font.  Some of the CSS for things is also missing… for example, the bullet lists dont work particularly well (at least they didn’t for me).

Marinelli’s big problem is lack of regions. And that made me move away from it.  But its readability is very good.  Very clean and very uncomplicated theme.  But what if one has to put in content that one wants?  Well, I had to.  So, I just created two more regions myself.  I added a content top and a content bottom.  Where you see the “Food for Thought’ is the content top region.  Unfortunately, the CSS for these two is not working well for me.. I don’t know how to get that going.  But I will work on it and have it work.  Until then, they don’t look particularly bad.. do they?

Another Change

I have had a bit of a writer’s block for the past week or so.  I had consciously moved to writing analysis on my blog rather than just random stuff.  That is difficult to sustain for long :).  Moreover, I feel that people do need some “interesting” stuff on your blog.  So, I am thinking of posting the “Interesting Stuff” on a daily basis and writing the analysis stuff on a weekly basis (earlier, if I can).  That will sustain my creative urge and also increase the “Interesting Factor” on Drishtikone.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that my other blog had done better on Google Page Rank (4) than drishtikone (3).  Although, that was just created last year and I hadn’t really been regular on it either!  So, I have revived it.  With a new design and more things to write and make visible.  I will continue to build that as the Political Blog.  Drishtikone will remain the Generalist blog as it is but it will have a predominance of Religion, Spirituality, Business, Economics, and Geo political stuff.

Btw, my other web site has had a nice redesign and good reception.  People are coming in.  Recruiters have started taking advantage of the “Recruiter’s Page” that I created.  Here I will have profiles of different recruiters.  Also, the job posting is working but more and more recruiters need to take advantage of that.  Of you have friends, who might benefit from what you see on that site, please refer them to it.

If you have any suggestions on how I can improve all this, please let me know.