Dead baby for 5 hours in Refrigerator comes alive

A kid was pronounced dead and was kept in the refrigerated storage unit.  As she was being taken to be buried the parents found her to have come alive!  She was in the refrigerated unit for 5 hours.  Any normal human being would have died even if he/she was perfect.  And this 600 grams girl baby came alive in a place where she should have died even if she was alive.

“We unwrapped her and felt she was moving. We didn’t believe it at first. Then she began holding my mother’s hand, and then we saw her open her mouth,” said 26-year-old Faiza Magdoub, the baby’s mother.

The girl’s mother was 23 weeks into her pregnancy and the doctors had to abort the child because of internal bleeding.  This girl was pronounced dead after that.  What is it?  Doctors have not been able to explain it at all!

“We don’t know how to explain this, so when we don’t know how to explain things in the medical world we call it a miracle, and this is probably what happened,” hospital deputy director Moshe Daniel said.