Drink Beer after a work-out.. NOT water – say "researchers"!

The beer lovers can go to any lengths to validate their love for the drink!  Here is a study from.. where else … but Europe… that having beer is better than having water after a workout!

Researchers in Europe have carried out a study and found that a glass of beer is far better at re-hydrating the body after exercise than water as the sugars, salts and bubbles in a pint help people absorb fluids more quickly.

And why would you think that is so?  Below is their explanation…

“The carbon dioxide in beer helps quench the thirst more quickly, while beer’s carbohydrates
replace calories lost

(now, losing calories is the very aim of working out aint it? And… beer puts it all back?!) during physical exertion,” the ‘Daily Mail’ reported on Friday, quoting lead researcher Prof Manuel Garzon as saying.

In fact, the researchers at the Granada University in Spain came to the conclusion after examining 25 students who were told to do strenuous exercise in temperatures of around 40C until they were close to getting exhausted.
Half of the students were given a pint of beer to drink, while the others received the same volume of water after the workout. Subsequently, the team measured their hydration levels, motor skills and concentrationability.
Prof Garzon said the re-hydration effect in the students who were given beer was “slightly better” than among those given only water. Based on the studies, the researchers have recommended moderate consumption of beer — 500 ml a day for men or 250 ml for women — as part of an athlete’s diet.

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Tags: Beer, Gym, Workout