Facebook updates analysis can predict success in Jobs and Academics

Huh!?  Now it is possible to predict your success or failure in academics and job by analyzing your FB profile updates!  Better be careful!!

Your Facebook profile holds more valuable information about you than you might think. Researchers spent about 10 minutes looking at photos, wall posts, comments, education, and hobbies on Facebook profiles, while answering personality-related questions including whether the subject was dependable and whether he or she was emotionally stable. After six months, they compared their results with those submitted by the subjects’ supervisors. This was enough for them to provide initial evidence that information available on Facebook can be used to identify individuals who are more successful in college and on the job.
Peter A. Rosen, associate professor of management information systems in the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration at the University of Evansville, teamed up with co-authors Donald H. Kluemper of the Department of Management at Northern Illinois University and Kevin W. Mossholder in the Department of Management at Auburn University. The trio published a 30-page study titled “Social networking websites, personality ratings, and the organizational context: More than meets the eye?” (PDF) in the February 2012 issue of the Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
via Facebook can be used to predict academic success, job performance | ZDNet.