The Great Class Divide of the Social Networking World

How we approach our sites and where we "reside" says something about us and who we are.  I did not quite realize that the social networking sites would end up revealing our "class" and our background.  But a new study has revealed that people from similar demographics tend to flock to similar social networking sites.

A long-term research project has revealed a sharp division along class lines among the American teenagers flocking to the social network sites.
The research suggests those using Facebook come from wealthier homes and are more likely to attend college.
By contrast, MySpace users tend to get a job after finishing high school rather than continue their education.

While the Facebook crowd is more "White", the MySpace crowd in the US tends to be more from the immigrant (Hispanic) demographics.  The Facebookers are honors students and the MySpacers tend to come from families where the parents have not been to college.

Well the divide may not be just in the US or England… as Rajesh reveals:

In India, a teenager I know put it thus: "South Mumbai uses Facebook, North Mumbai uses Orkut."