Half of Instagram’s 100 mn users now use Android!

The power of Android phones vs iPhones (and others) is visible from how Android powered phones have made Instagram so pervasive.  Instagram recently said in its blog post that half of all the Instagram’s 100 mn users are using Android.

One year ago today we launched Instagram for Android. In less than a day, over a million people downloaded the app, and now nearly half of all Instagrammers use the Android app to share photos with friends, family and the world.
Instagram for Android has helped make this community more global than ever. Major events such as Brazil’s Círio de Nazaré festival, the 85th birthday of Thailand’s King Bhumibol, and a streak of severe thunderstorms throughout Malaysia have been captured by Android Instagrammers and shared to global audiences like never before. We’ve also seen Android Instagrammers contribute to the community in innovative and powerful ways, including @daveedgamboa’s incredible jumpstagrams around Southern California, photos of England’s beautiful Lancashire county from @adamgrayson and even a glimpse into the life of Kenya’s nomads from @grantsmind.

Mind you they are also talking about the photos taken by folks in the developing countries, which makes their observation even more interesting.  Android has made smartphones affordable and available to the poor and middle class as well.  And just this ability to capture the world at a moment’s notice by the man or woman on the ground has brought about a revolution that is going to be world changing.

Instagram for Android: One Year Later One year ago today we…

Half of all Instagram users now on Android

One year later, nearly half of Instagrammers use Android

One year after launch, Instagram’s Android app makes up nearly half of its users

One Year Later, Half of Instagram’s 100M Users Come From Android

One year on: Nearly half of Instagram users on Android