Happy Dussehra

Today is Dussehra and I wanted to wish everyone a happy season ahead.  The Navratras are over and the triumph of the Truth and the prevailing of the righteousness over anarchy is to be celebrated now.  This is the 10th day of Shukla Paksha of the Ashwin (Autumn) month.

In Bengal, Dussehra is celebrated as Durga Puja.

Over the years, these festivals have become mere rituals.  Even people who have no intention of living the core sentiment of the festival celebrate it for the tradition.  In the attempt to do they perpetuate hypocrisy and worse spoil the environment.

It would probably be better instead of burning the Ravan outside, to remember why a Ravan had to die.

Justice and Freedom go together.  A society that lacks justice can never be free.  And this Justice should be with respect to internal and external threats.  Whether its a rape of a girl in a city of India or a foreign element coming to violate our laws and threaten the innocents.

Justice should be swift, fair and unpretentious.  Very dis-passionate.  The passion and emotion should be poured into creating a system, but not in governing a system.  We have done the opposite in India.

May this year see us being more realistic and more honoring of each other.  May we see the truth this year.