Hillary Clinton: All Bets are Off in face of WMD attack on US

So, according to Hillary Clinton, if any attack – specially with a WMD originated in a country.. then “All bets are off”.

Hmmm.. according to me and to many Terrorism experts, the 9/11 actually originated from Pakistan really.  It is a fact that ISI Chief instructed Omar Sayed, the killer of Daniel Pearl to wire $100k to Mohd. Atta.

The countries she names are Iran and North Korea that could potentially attack US.  But, I can bet that the country where the next attack on US will come from will be Pakistan.

“If we can prove that a biological attack originated in a country that attacked us, then all bets are off,” Clinton said in an interview with CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

The decision to do a Nuke deal and Arms deal with Pak by US will be another nail in its own coffin!