How floods in Thailand are impacting your Computer Hard Drives

In the world of today, the businesses around the have become intertwined like never before.  This announcement in OfficeMax about the severe crunch on their Hard Drive inventory is a good example of that.

Thailand is facing unprecedented floods after 3 months of heavy rains – heaviest in five decades.  Over 500 people have died and many parts of Bangkok are also flooded.  North Thailand is the heaviest hit.  While the hard working workers in the factories are using Jet Skis and wooden skiffs to send out the inventories, still the impact on the Hard Drive inventories around the world is substantial.

Those who thought that Thailand was just a tourism place, are witnessing the impact of Thailand’s industry incapacity on the world of computers and cars.  As per some analysts, the prices of Hard Drives around the world could go up 10% on the whole!