Indian Government to pay parents to raise a girl child!

In India girl child is treated as a curse!  Thousands are killed every year.  The worst states in this gory act are those in the North India – specifically Punjab!  Now, for the first time, there is a serious scheme being planned, that is aimed at saving the girl child specifically amongst the poor communities!  This is what it will be like:

…it will provide upto Rs 1.4 lakh each to families of girl child in 10 poorest districts and worst gender ratio in 5 states, including Punjab and Haryana, where female infanticide is rampant.

The money will be spread across the 18 years of the girl child and latter disbursements will be dependent on certain conditions, one being that she is not married before 18 and when she is married, it is to someone of her choice.  All these are subjective issues.. but at least a start has been made.  We will never know what is wrong with this scheme if we do not try anything!

But while Rs one lakh will accrue automatically if the girl child is not married before turning major, her parents can avail of the rest of amount only if they fulfill certain conditions. They will be required not merely to take good care of their daughters but also see to it that they are not forced into marriage before they turn 19 and ensure 80% attendance in school.
Economically weak parents are to get assistance also for registration of her birth, completion of the entire range of immunization and education.
Under the scheme of “Conditional Cash Transfer”, government will provide cash transfers on conditions, such as Rs 5,000 at birth and registration of the girl; Rs 500 after every three months for immunization; Rs 2,500 at the time of enrolling in school; and Rs 1,000 every year till completion of primary school; Rs 5,000 at time of enrolment and Rs 1,500 every year till completion of elementary school and Rs 7,500 for enrolment and Rs 1,500 every year till completion of secondary and higher secondary of the girl; and cash transfer for remaining unmarried at the age of 18 years.

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