Indian Journo "Shoes" Chidambaran over Tytler "Clean Chit"

A shoe was thrown at P. Chidambaran – the Indian Home Minister – during a Press Conference by Dainak Jagran journalist Jarnail Singh, who was asking a question on the 1984 Sikh riots.   He was rather peeved at the “Clean Chit” given by the CBI to JD Tytler.  And since CBI falls under Home Ministry, Singh held Chidambaran responsible.

Personally, I was let down by Jarnail Singh’s rather tepid shoe throwing skills!  Surely, his stuff did not test Chidambaran’s agility to the extent that the Iraqi journo had tested Bush a few months back!  At least, we owe it to our own politicians to make sure they are fit and “able”?!  So, next time Mr. Jarnail Singh, if you throw the shoe, One – aim it better… and Second, throw with a force that at least QUALIFIES you as a Punjabi!  Although the thought was praise-worthy… the attempt was rather bad!  Better luck next time! 🙂