India’s permissible Radiation Limits from Cell Phone Towers is 900 times the global safety limits; causes headaches, behavioral problems

This is unacceptable. Just because people are not aware and ignorance is being misused – criminally, I would say – to hurt a population without its knowledge!  In the coming years, the health impact of this on an entire population could be nothing short of devastating. I’m hoping, that people start to look into ways to protect themselves against harmful radiation and EMFs, whether it is through wearing dedicated Clothing or lowering usage, they really need to start caring for themselves!

India’s permissible limit for radiation levels from mobile phone towers is 900 times higher than the safe limit of 0.5 milliwatts per square metre, suggests a global report on health risks from exposure to wireless technology radiation, which was released on Sunday.
The Bioinitiative 2012 report is brought out by 29 independent scientists and health experts from across 10 countries, including India, Sweden, Italy, US and Russia. This is the second edition of the report, which was first published in 2007.
On September 1, India lowered its radiation emission limits for mobile phone towers to 450 milliwatts/sq m from 4,500, but as per the report, the levels are still too high. At least five new studies have detected biological effects when radiation level touches between 0.03 and 0.5 milliwatts/sq m, the report states. “Researchers report headaches, concentration and behavioural problems in children; sleep disturbances, headaches and concentration issues in adults.”


BioInitiative 2012 Report Issues New Warnings on Wireless and EMF

BioInitiative 2012 Report Issues New Warnings on Wireless and EMF

Mobile Towers banned near Schools & Hospitals!

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