Letter from a Mother to her daughter from the battlefield

This letter was written as a school assignment.  It involved writing a letter from the battlefield by an American Mother who is fighting, to her daughter.

Dear Bravest Daughter,

I hope everything is fine at home.  I am on a short break for the moment.  The disguise we made is working perfectly.  The war has been very brutal, but I still have the hope of coming home.  Your father has been injured, but he will be well.  Lots of soldiers have died since the past few days.  The ground was covered with blood everywhere.

People are shooting in every direction.  The hard floors here are very dirty.  I miss the nice warm beds at home.  I miss you and Parry so much.  Home seems so precious and heart-warming.  The food is always hot at home but here we don’t even have any food to eat.  I wish I was home but freedom is important.

I want to write more but I have to go to the battlefield.  I will send you another letter soon.

Your Loving Mother
Nancy Teresa Dingleberg