McCain and his nonsensical political flight out of debates!!

This elections and the conduct of McCain and Palin has been the most weird.  It is surprising that such acts by them can even be accepted and go on without challenge!

First Palin stopped interacting with media (Q&A types) because she felt that media wasn’t treating her well… she wanted to be sheltered basically!  So much for women emancipation!  What an amazing hypocrisy.  Now, she is refusing to even open up her accounts and finances.

But nothing could astonish me than what McCain did yesterday!  He suspended the campaign and also wanted to duck the debates with Obama because of the “financial crisis”.  Obama came back with the correct reply – a US President needs to deal with multiple things and crisis at ONE time!  And a President who has to SUSPEND everything else to deal with ONE thing is either a scary and compulsive micro-manager or just plain inadequate!

Worse, one could understand if McCain was the greatest economy stud out there and without HIS divine wisdom no one could find his/her way out of this crisis!  The fact is that my FOUR year old can talk as intelligently about the economy as McCain can!  So, he might as just stay out of this mess!

President is NOT supposed to be the subject matter expert (SME) on everything.  All one needs to do as a leader is to place the BEST people to solve an issue!  In fact if McCain had to “sound” and “look” Presidential, he should admit he is not the best mind on economics and is sending this Nobel Prize winning economics and finance stud on his behalf to help the committee!

Even amazing is that some people are ACTUALLY buying his story!  It shows how much this country has totally lost its way!  People now cannot even DEFINE leadership!

In my view, McCain is just a pussy!  He is afraid and shit scared of Barrack Obama and Palin is even worse when it comes to against Biden.  These two know that Obama-Biden duo will kick their backsides real hard!  So, they have been looking for a way out!