McCain's double standards on Family values and treatment of minors

Today John McCain is so shocked at the way the media is talking about Sarah Palin’s daughter and asking everyone in media to keep off limits.  But does this guy ever follow his own “rules”??

In 1998, he went on to make such a derogatory and bad remark on Chelsea Clinton, that the media had to keep it out of the news papers.  And at that time, she was a minor and McCain did not want to show her the same courtesy!  And the fact was it wasn’t even her doing or something that her parents had done!  He used remarkably tasteless humor to get to her!

The joke did appear in McCain’s hometown paper, the Arizona Republic, and the Associated Press did report the joke in full, so everyone in the press had access to McCain’s words. But by censoring themselves, the Post, the Times and others helped McCain deflect flak and preserved his status as a Republican presidential contender.
Salon feels its readers deserve the unadulterated truth. Though no tape of McCain’s quip has yet emerged, this is what he reportedly said:
“Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
   Because her father is Janet Reno.”
The joke may be crude, but it pales in comparison with the published details surrounding the presidential sex scandal. McCain’s two-liner conveys some interesting insights into what he considers humorous (lesbianism, a young woman’s physical appearance), particularly since it was delivered to a Republican crowd. Remember, this is the party that champions pro-family values.