Menaka redux: Rakhi falls for Ramdev

Sometimes it takes a mindless “Savant” to turn a Swami into a “hot dude”.  Rakhi Sa(v)want seems to be endorsing Swami Ramdev’s Hot-ness quotient.  The “One Gram a Breath Blast” promise of Anulom Vilom of the Swami has helped him keep a flat tummy which is noticeable by the mindless and clotheless damsel, even from under the Saffron robes.  It is obvious that the lady focuses what excites her about Ramdev, when the Yogi is busy focusing on his breath.  Thankfully, unlike Menaka, this lady’s gaze has remained well above the area where there is most danger for both.

Moving from one adversary – Rahul Gandhi – to the victim – Swami Ramdev – Rakhi the Savant has endeared herself.  She doesn’t have the hypocrisy of the Urban classes, who constantly judge people by their “English Accentometer” rather than capabilities.

As someone from a top PR company remarked to me – “Watching Swami Ramdev on the stage in a recent appearance was educative in how good he is in managing the stage.  HIs stage presence is of a rock star”.  Most top anchors cannot have the ability to manage such a crowd with as much ease as the Yogi does day in and day out.  In fact he is so good that it never occurs to us what an awesome job he is doing.  And all while selling an exercise regimen.

Another interesting remark about Swami Ramdev was that one of the reason for his success amongst the masses – specifically the Hindu masses – is that he has steared clear of any discussion in Theology.  He NEVER ever talks of any Scriptural stuff or any philosophical topic in Hinduism.

And that may be by design – because he has grown up in an Arya Samaj Gurukul, but has had great reverence for Shiva because of his understanding of the Yogic science.  He is equally equipped to talk to a completely “Sanatani” audience as he is to an “Arya Samaji” audience – but still doesn’t approach that area!

He keeps talking Yoga, health and spiritual stuff in larger/ high level and so never alienates anyone.  He steers clear of specificity.

Rakhi is also somewhat like him.  She is not for the classes and like Swami Ramdev, has never gotten any weightage from them.  Yet, she cannot be ignored.  If one looks at her career and her beginning point, you will realize that just as Swami Ramdev, she has made it to the top of her field (the group of Page 3 entertainers) on the sheer force of audacity!  She has sold people on some pretty simple things – like “in your face” utterances.  Some make sense and some are pretty outlandish (again like Swami Ramdev’s).

In our society, beings like Ramdev and Sawant are important.  They show the chasms that exist in our social make up and our prejudice for others.  When Urban Bloggers write against him with a vitriol based on complete misunderstanding of Spirituality or HInduism or Yoga – they show the ugly face of our education system.

A conceit that is concealed.

A conceit that we don’t even acknowledge.  And one that will run our society and nation into the ground!

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