Message in a bottle, love do not throttle

When I look and I see I’m not so blinded
When you talk so vain I do get wounded
When I listen I hear you, am astounded
When I read, I know my heart pounded

The wind blew like a banshee wailing
I was such before, blown, arms flailing
And though the ships passed by hailing
All I could think of is solitude prevailing

Then there was you a lone man sailing
The light was there but faint and ailing
And as you leaned right over the railing
A message of love in the ocean mailing

Cast into the turmoil in a bottle it went
Through winds and storms it underwent
The message sailed on unbroken unbent
Neptune to its safety watched, no relent

Cast ashore to her on a shore it was sent
Frail mermaid large fishtail of her descent
Allowed not walking no flight, just meant
To crawl as time of her days all had spent

Fallen angel of a heavenly time she knew
When wings had her high and up she flew
The marine world had turned her so blue
To the darkest of oceans she became a hue

A message of love she found after curfew
For love at night often creeps on you anew
Leaving you in morning covered with dew
As tremors of the night say it is he not who