Nationwide Roaming charges to be eliminated from March’13 in India

Great news for India‘s cell phone users – roaming nationwide will be eliminated.  It is about time it was eliminated.  India seems to be the only country which has such a stupid tariff WITHIN the country!

After announcing plans to abolish roaming charges for mobile users when traveling within India from next year, the telecom department is likely to ask operators to implement this consumer-friendly move from March.  Mobile phone companies have opposed the government’s plans to do away with roaming charges, which accounts for about 10% of their revenues, and have warned they would be forced to increase tariffs to offset this loss.

The telecom companies aren’t obviously happy with this move, but its a good one for the consumers.

Articles from External

Mobile roaming charges may go in 3 months

Free roaming might be available in India from March 2013: ET

New roaming charges for Vodafone customers

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