Next Attack on US will be from Pakistan

Two important things –

– US Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell has implicated the Lashkar e Toiba in the attacks in Mumbai.  Said he believed that LeT was responsible for the attacks and then added “The same group that we believe is responsible for Mumbai had a similar attack in 2006 on a train and killed a similar number of people…..Go back to 2001 and it was an attack on the Parliament,”

– The other important occurrence: a high-powered bipartisan US Congressional commission has said in its report that “Pakistan is the weakest link in world security and the next terror attack in the US will originate in that country as it is at the intersection of nuclear weapons and terrorism.”  Of course, the committee forgot to say that origins of 9-11 itself were clearly and unambiguously in Pakistan.  If their Intelligence Chief was to wire $100k to 9-11 chief hijacker Mohammad Atta, then it was pretty significant.  A person whom even US intelligence didn’t know existed.. here is a Chief of an Intelligence agency of a country pin pointing him in a big country and also locating his bank account number to do the needful!!    It is obvious that the next administration will focus on Pakistan instead of Iraq as the greatest destabilizing force in the world.

“In terms of the next of proliferation and terrorism, Pakistan must top the list of priorities for the next President and the Congress,” the report said.