Officials sell food supplies while people die!

Kalahandi in Orissa is one of the poorest districts and where people regularly face starvation – which the Government vehemently denies!  The truth is that the food hardly reaches the starving and hungry.  But even that knowledge does not provide the utter unhuman behavior of the Indian babus in this area of utter hopelessness!  Here is what is happening:

Villagers are facing starvation in a tribal area of eastern India where an outbreak of cholera has killed scores of people in recent weeks.  The BBC visited affected districts in Orissa state and found people with no food, surviving on leaves. They said they had seen no rice since last year.

And here is what the people who SUPPLY the food are upto!

Meanwhile, the authorities have suspended four local government officials responsible for supplying food to this remote region.
The four are accused of siphoning off emergency food supplies for profit.
Police are also seeking to question an agent who supplied rice and vegetables to some remote districts. He has been charged with misappropriating government grain supplies.

These idiots were selling the food supplies to be distributed to the poor for PROFIT!  So, the villagers are forced to survive on nature.

The extremely poor indigenous communities who live here have suffered official apathy and neglect for years.
Their drinking water comes from waterfalls and drains, which have been contaminated following severe flooding in recent weeks.