Paris Hilton is worried about drunk Indian Elephants!

It seems that perennially partying and binging celeb gal is now really concerned about some elephants in the North East of India.. because they follow her life-style!

Others faults make you angry when they mirror your own!

So, there are these elephants in Assam etc, who are given “Rice beer” and they go around trampling things and then get shot. And Paris is really worried about them.  So she posts a report on E-news network about them.

Hmmm.. some people’s vision go faaar.. and miss everything on the way.. 🙂

Paris was praised by conservationists for highlighting the plight of binge-drinking elephants in India.
The celebrity socialite posted a report on World Entertainment News Network’s website that read: “The elephants get drunk all the time. It is becoming really dangerous.
“We need to stop making alcohol available to them.”
Sangeeta Goswami, head of animal rights group People for Animals told The Associated Press: “I am indeed happy Hilton has taken note of recent incidents of wild elephants in north east India going berserk after drinking homemade rice beer and getting killed.”
