Railway notches another record surplus and pays $1 billion dividend to Indian Government

There is a always this feeling of uppish-ness in the elites.  And those who are raw are generally not looked up at.  Laloo Prasad Yadav has not been a stellar personality for most of his life.  At best, he is a self serving politician who has lined his owned pocket at the expense of the ordinary poor people.

In the rather late game, he comes up with an unbelieveable performance as a Railway minister.  A performance that is enough to provide him with a place in Indian polity’s Hall of Fame forever.  In fact, this is the first time since the Brits created the Indian Railway that we Indians have added something to it!

The rise in cash surplus without increasing the tarrifs but taking other measures was unheard of.  In fact an outlandish suggestion.  But this dimunitive politician from Bihar – that nemesis of a civil operating train system – has done the unbelievable!

And in an interesting twist, Railway will pay a dividend of USD 1 billion back to the Indian Government!