Reason why Men struggle to understand Women Moods: Our Brain Systems dont work

Researchers at LWL-University Hospital in Bochum, Germany took 22 male volunteers – all single and all between the ages of 21 and 52 – to do an interesting study.  They were asked to view photographs showing just the eyes of a person, while undergoing an MRI scan.  Each photograph showed an emotion and choose between two words given to them that best described the mood of the person they were looking at.  They weren’t given any other information.

The idea was to see if these male subjects could identify the emotions of the genders equally well or not.  The result is interesting and underscores the issues that men face with women!  The result:  Male study subjects were better able to understand the moods and emotions if the person was male.  They didn’t do well when it was a female on the other end!

They also found that when looking at a pair of male eyes, the amygdala – a portion of the brain that has been found to be involved in emotion – was more active than when looking at the women’s eyes

For some reason, a man’s brain areas tied to emotions don’t light up as much when they look at a female as opposed to a male!  Specifically, when looking at a pair of male eyes, the amygdalaa portion of the brain that has been found to be involved in emotion – was more active than when looking at the women’s eyes.   Also, other brain areas tied to emotion didn’t light up as much when looking at women’s eyes as they did for males either.

No wonder we men struggle to get women’s emotions – our systems simply shut down!

In another study it was found that men usually tend to misunderstand friendliness of women as sexual attraction.

One conducted at Indiana University found that men tend to misinterpret positive signals from women, often mistaking friendliness for sexual attraction.

We guys really need to get our act together don’t we?  Need to order a new upgrade to our brain system from the Creator, if we can find him/her/??.

Featured Image courtesy: Flickr/Danila Panfilov