Shiva's Cosmic Dance: Traces of past Universe in the present ones found in "Strings"

There is this phenomenon called “Cosmic Strings”.  These “fabric of space” called snags or strings are very heavy and great gravitational pull (one kilometer long string can have the mass of entire earth!).  A new study says that these are actually remnants from the past universe!?  Hmmm… are we saying that not just the earth, its life but also the universe dissolves and starts all over again?  That is bad news for religion huh?  I mean those boats and special animals are of no use.. are they?

Now a team of scientists says there is some valid evidence that these elusive and exotic strings really do exist. They claim that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Neil Bevis of Imperial College London and his team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
This radiation is slightly patchy because of the distribution of the glowing matter that produced it. If present, cosmic strings should attract matter with their gravity, slightly altering the way it is distributed in the early universe.
