Should Pan-Islamic agenda trump National Interest??

There is this joker – a rebel Samajwadi MP Munnawar Hassan.. he is going to vote against the Nuclear deal and his reason:

“I will defy the party whip and vote against the UPA government on nuclear deal during the confidence vote on July 22. I have support of around seven party MPs. The deal is anti-Muslim and we are against it more so because it is being promoted by the US, which is an anti-Muslim country,” Hasan told reporters.

Now, this is precisely why people who look at pan-religious affiliations over their national interests become such a burden to a country they live in!  US is bombing the shit out of Iraq and threatening Iran.  Every Muslim and his brother who wants to fight dreams of going to Iraq and is therefore in the cross-hairs of US.  HOW THE HECK DOES IT AFFECT INDIA?  or even Indian Muslims?

Why should the policies of OUR country be decided on how someone in another part of the world is behaving with another guy?  Is there ANY relation between an Iraqi Muslim and Indian Muslim?  If anyone were to look carefully in Iraq one would know that greater damage is being done to human life NOT because of US killings but because of Sunnis and Shias fighting!  Iran is helping Shias and Al Qaeda (ISI, Talibani-minded people included) are helping the Sunnis!  So, which “Muslim” in Iraq are we talking about??

Just for this reason, I think any Muslim, Hindu, Christian, or other politicians should be barred legally from public life if they insist on supremacy of PAN-religious agenda over and above national interest!

This is precisely why I believe in India we should just ban any conversions.  Because with conversions come loyalties being imported.  Instead of looking within the country, a person starts looking at a building in Saudi desert as his motivation or to a person sitting in Europe as his mentor!  Quite obviously they have their own agendas which will never be in consonance to India’s interest of sovereignity.  And that is how it has been for so long!  And all this conversion has nothing to do about God in any case.  Its reflective of a tribal mentality where the person converting is merely trying to shore up the numbers in his herd.  The converts are no more than members of a herd with blinkers in their eyes who are not supposed to think at all… for everything about God is told to them.  As if someone else’s experience will help them any in their spiritual quest!