Slavery of Fear and Freedom

Thomas Paine who was the influence on at least two of the greatest revolutions in the Western world – the American and the French once wrote – and I found it to be so beautifully written!

Freedom has been hunted around the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and slavery of fear made man afraid to think.  But such is the irresistible nature of truth is that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing…. In such a situation, man becomes what he ought to be.  He sees his species not with the inhuman idea of a natural enemy, but as kindred….

Rebellion against the norm – and freedom from past has been the only way highest of minds have thought and progressed.  Yet, they are others tried to teach others to follow.  Freedom from all influence – bred by fear – even of a teacher … for power it still is .. is the true expression of love.  A love which does starts with the assumption of no return.  A teacher’s love which beckons following is tainted with the power over the student.  A teacher whose instruction eliminates the need for instructor while letting the message stay on unaccompanied can alone push the instructed to freedom.

This very fear of worthlessness of self is what leads most teachers to create a humanity of slaves.  Rebellion is therefore, the first step to freedom of mankind.