The Ending of Time: Dialogue Series – J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm

Krishnamurti was no ordinary person.  A being with razor sharp intellect that could cut through any pretension, camouflage or mental shield.  When you are exposed to this kind of person, no intellectual knowledge can stand without the deepest of scrutiny.  And this is what happens when you pair Jiddu Krishnamurti and David Bohm, the Nobel Prize winning Physicist.

They go through many interesting topics – including how mankind has put thought at the center of existence and the bane of the ‘accumulation of time’ which needs to be worked upon.  They eventually go into the realm of that core and purity of love and intelligence that originates beyond thought, time and even emptiness.  Watching these videos you cannot come away without being shaken deeply and changed!

So, here is an interesting discussion series between J. Krishnamurti – the agnostic and an Enlightened man in his own right; and David Bohm – the Nobel Prize winning Physicist.