There is a hole in your bucket, Dear God!

Ooops.. our scientists just discovered that we have a defective Universe.  It has a hole!  A BIG one!  One billion light years across.

I KNEW IT!  I knew from the day I could think straight that we had a second hand, hastily put together “Made in China” Universe bought from a Dollar Store!  Otherwise, how the heck can you explain a species as lunatic as Humankind, being the “Masters of the Universe”??!!  If Earth is the only useful thing in this giant loser of a Universe and we humans are the best that “Owner” of the Universe could come up with, its couldn’t have been bought at the Macy’s of the Universe Shopping mall.

We knew our Universe thingy had holes before – black ones.  But at least – hopefully – they weren’t leaky.  They had stuff in it.. stars, gas etc.  They would suck all that came near them.

This dude has NOTHING in it.  Just plain void.  NOTHING!  Now, how do you know its a hole if there is nothing in it.  Maybe someone forgot to put something out there in that area.  Its not as if this Universe was set up by some great Interior designer.. properly decorating every inch with something.  Even when we bought our new house.. a few of our rooms were empty.  It took time.  It ain’t a case of wonder, guys.. .its just that the little dude putting stuff in here, got lazy or ran out of money!

You know what really …. really bothers me?  That we have no idea to fix a damn oil leak 5000 feet below the sea and we are bothered about this damn hole 6 to 10 billion light years away.  Even if that hole was oozing cyanide, guys, it will take a bit to reach us.  But this oil.. aint stopping any time soon!  If it keeps going the way its going and a couple of other such “holes” open up in our gas wells.. we will be as good as a giant hole ourselves!!

Reference Links:

Huge Hole Found in the Universe