The Truth About Aurangzeb – and the Fiction from Likes of Romilla Thappar!

Francois Gautier, the French journo, talks about the deeds of Aurangzeb in a direct manner in his article on rediff.

it is time to spread the tolerance of Dara Shikoh and NOT the sanitized versions on Aurangzeb!

For the first time I have seen someone take out the old documents from archives of the museum and have them interpreted.  The truth is for all to see… this is what Aurangzeb was upto:

What are the facts? Aurangzeb did not just build an isolated mosque on a destroyed temple, he ordered all temples destroyed, among them the Kashi Vishwanath temple, one of the most sacred places of Hinduism, and had mosques built on a number of cleared temple sites. Other Hindu sacred places within his reach equally suffered destruction, with mosques built on them. A few examples: Krishna’s birth temple in Mathura; the rebuilt Somnath temple on the coast of Gujarat; the Vishnu temple replaced with the Alamgir mosque now overlooking Benares; and the Treta-ka-Thakur temple in Ayodhya. The number of temples destroyed by Aurangzeb is counted in four, if not five figures. Aurangzeb did not stop at destroying temples, their users were also wiped out; even his own brother Dara Shikoh was executed for taking an interest in Hindu religion; Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur was beheaded because he objected to Aurangzeb’s forced conversions.

And what do the Self-Obsessed-Fiction-Writers-masquerading-as-Historians like Romilla Thappar have to say about Aurangzeb?

Yet, Percival Spear, co-author with Romila Thapar of the prestigious A History of India (Penguin), writes: ‘Aurangzeb’s supposed intolerance is little more than a hostile legend based on isolated acts such as the erection of a mosque on a temple site in Benares.’ L’histoire de l’Inde moderne (Fayard), the French equivalent of Percival Spear’s history of India, praises Aurangzeb and says, ‘He has been maligned by Hindu fundamentalists’. Even Indian politicians are ignorant of Aurangzeb’s evil deeds. Nehru might have known about them, but for his own reasons he chose to keep quiet and instructed his historians to downplay Aurangzeb’s destructive drive and instead praise him as a benefactor of arts.

And by the way, Gautier actually gets the documents from the Rajasthan museum about the destruction that Aurangzeb wreaked.. these are original Persian documents of Aurangzeb himself!  And he comes to know that no one has ever looked at them!!  So, Ms Thappar has been merrily writing tomes of stuff on the guy.. chastising others who object.. WITHOUT ANY F**KING PROOF!!  Its not new to that breed of "Historians" because they have been doing that with impunity for every aspect of our history – Aryan-Dravidian theory, hinduism, Islamic conversions and mal-effects!

And then he handles the question – why should we dig the history for Aurangzeb now in these times with delicate Hindu-muslim relations?  My answer is pretty simple – just by twisting the history in ONE way as opposed to the other does make these tensions go away!  The only way such tensions go away is to learn from past by SQUARELY facing the past.  Like Gautier discusses.. there is a strong case for reviving the intellectualism and sufi streak of Dara Shikoh – brother of Aurangzeb .. who was killed because he looked at the tolerant side of Sufism and Hinduism.  Any argument to the contrary – and in favor of glossing over Aurangzeb’s deeds is the argument of the imbeciles!

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Tags: Romilla Thappar, Francois Gautier

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