US certain of Pakistan's role and the fake crack-down

“Well, I think there’s no doubt that Pakistani territory was used by probably non-state actors,” Rice said. “I don’t think that there is compelling evidence of involvement of Pakistani officials. But I do think that Pakistan has a responsibility to act, and it doesn’t matter that they’re non-state actors.”

That is the most definitive statement made by a top ranking US official about Mumbai Attacks.

Meanwhile, Zardari carried on his thing about why India should “take a breath” and understand that Pakistan is also a victim of the same terror.  Sure.  But at the same time, its Foreign Minister, Mahmud Qureshi, also asserts that it will not hand over the criminals who were responsible for the attacks but try these criminals themselves!

Well, if Pakistan’s record of “handling the terrorists” was so great, then the world may take them on their word.  Sheikh Sayeed, the killer of Daniel Pear and also the guy who wired $100k to Mohammad Atta was “arrested” and stands arrested… whatever that word means in Pakistan.  What came out of that one may ask?  NOTHING!

AQ Khan?  Anybody remember him?  He was the kingpin of a world-wide trade of Nukes.  He has been under house-arrest.  Big deal.  What has happened to him?  Anyone sure that the proliferation has stopped? Is anyone even keeping a tab on him?

What I find funny and utterly short sighted of the world is that while everyone and his brother is after Iran’s back-side for “developing the Nuclear weapons” – no one is asking WHERE have they gotten the Nukes technology from?

I mean no country has created Nuke technology of their own.. most have gotten from others.  Iran definitely is not at the cutting edge of science as it is.  So who gave them?  If Iran’s Nuke business is still on as most US officials would have us believe.. then who is helping?