Utility of e-groups and How to manage messages from cluttering your Inbox

Yahoo groups started a great mechanism to bring people together.  Google groups also followed.  These egroups are very easy ways to link people in a way such that every one can interact through the ubiquitous emails.  Sadly the social networking sites have even as yet not evolved to a point where they could provide such service.

I know that I am a member of my high school and MBA school yahoo groups and have been very happy at being linked with all those old friends again.  Have gained tremendously from so many.  Sometimes the groups subscribed to can be a lot and it becomes difficult to manage them.

Now, there is a new way (site) to combine all the Yahoo and Google groups together – Grouply.  You can now get a digest of all your messages daily consolidated in one email.  This way you know which all groups you are part of and can manage your interaction better – instead of having an inbox cluttered with emails from all sorts of groups that you are part of!  That’s a lot of savings on time and email space!  It was precisely because of this that I had turned many of my groups messaging to “Web Only”!  This is a good way to get back in touch with them and also get subscribed to lots of good groups that I did not want to join for the fear of cluttering my inbox more!

Meanwhile I also wanted to make a list and suggestions of some groups that I found had a good population and were useful to be part of.  Can you please share your favorite groups on Yahoo and Google groups and the one you feel could benefit every be a part of.

PROUD2B_INDIAN: This group has close to 25,000 members and they share shaiyari, debate about national issues.. and is not as bad as many such large groups are.  I am sure there would be some share of porn and other spam messages.. but by and large I found it to be pretty well disciplined.

iforINDIA: This is another one with close to 9000 members and has a vibrant and very active community which keeps sending interesting messages with shayari, jokes, thoughtful stuff and some plain OMG variety of emails going around.

control-computer-crimes: Interestingly this is the largest India related group in Google groups.  It has over 76,000 members and growing.. If you are interested in this topic then I suggets you check it out to see the plethora of info-sharing that goes on.