Water and Weight loss: Useful companions

Do you want to lose weight?  And use the natural things?  Think seriously about using water in various ways.  Lets understand at least three ways:

1. Lemon Water  Drinking Warm lemon water is an excellent way.  Just boil some water in the morning and add lemon juice from a freshly cut lemon and drink it like tea.  Great way to start a day.  During the day, if you add some tea and apple cider vinegar – that will help even more.  Drinking lemon water in the morning is also good for relieving from constipation. See this eHow instructions for more details.  Lemon water has a lot of benefits in any case, but when mixed with warm water, it helps even more.  Lemon is a great way to de-toxify your body.  Lemon acts as a liver tonic and also cleans the toxins from the body.   Lemon water helps with nausea, heartburn, constipation and stomach parasites.  Other things that lemon helps with – due to high Vitamin C content are preventing and treating many infections, hastening wound healing, diminishing allergies, and help fight against arthritis or rheumatism, asthma, tonsillitis, and sore throats.

Lemon is also a diuretic, which means its good for infections of Urinary tract.

2. Drink Ice water While you drink warm lemon water in the morning and add lemon to water all day, drinking ice water is somewhat helpful in burning calories.  Its not a whole lot but it does help a teeny-weeny bit.  Here’s the calc:

..in the case of a 16-ounce glass of ice water, your body must raise the temperature of 473.18 grams of water from zero to 37 degrees C. In doing so, your body burns 17,508 calories. But that’s calories with a little “c.” Your body only burns 17.5 Calories, and in the grand scheme of a 2,000-Calorie diet, that 17.5 isn’t very significant.
But let’s say you adhere to the “eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day” nutritional recommendation. In 64 ounces of water, there are 1,892.72 grams. So to warm up all that water in the course of a day, your body burns 70,030 calories, or 70 Calories. And over time, that 70 Calories a day adds up.

As you can see that 70 calories is not a whole lot, but hey when you are pressed for getting those extra ones off, then every calorie counts!

3. Drink ware before meals Now the latest research suggets that if you drink water before eating a meal you tend to lose weigt.

After the 12 weeks were over, the water drinkers lost on average 15.5 pounds, while the ones who weren’t prescribed water lost about 11 pounds.

Not only does it lead to direct weight loss but also as a side effect.  That you don’t eat as much, which means you start intervening at important points of weght gain for the consultants.