We'll be Wet after we Heat up!

Congratulations!  We are right on track to heat things up a little bit.. in fact as hot as it hasn’t been in .. well.. 130,000 years!

If we keep going at the rate we are going we could take the temperature of the Earth to rise 4 degrees F by the end of the century.  This would mean that siginificant portions of ice on the Arctic and Greenland will be gone.. and Greenland will FINALLY live up to its name and be Green again!!

What would this mean?  For one, the seas and oceans will rise 20 feet above their current levels.  So if you are in the surfing business, this is the time to consolidate for end of the century is gonna be your PAYBACK TIME!

Of course, some of the places as we know them would be floating deep in water!  That South Beach diet could very well mean just fishes and sea horses!  This is what a bunch of scientists on this wild predictive mission say:

Miami would be a memory, Bangkok a soggy shadow of its former self and the Maldive Islands would vanish if melting polar ice keeps fueling a faster-than-expected rise in sea levels, scientists reported on Thursday.

How much the scientists think the man will progress (and so add to the heat) is up for discussion!  They may not have factored in the increase in industrialization in China and India as they grow and reach the levels of the West – what would that mean?  It could very well be possible that we are on track for cooking up this place faster than these guys think.  IN fact, in keeping with the “Karma theory” that is exactly how it should be.  We should see some water flow over our heads for all the heat that we have generated!

What does this all mean for the drinking water?  Who knows?  The snow in the mountains would be melting and not much accumulation would be possible – so the next winner in the world politics would be the country that can most efficiently process sea water to get drinking water at the lowest cost!

Its amazing that by the end of it we would have used Oil to dry up the water resources for us… by the time we run out of Oil itself!  So, we indulgent beings would have messed both the things up.  What would we do then?  Well, we could bomb the heck out of each other and return to the safety of the Stone Age perhaps!?