What ails Pakistan today?

Read this post by temporal and also have gotten the views of many Pakistanis on the lot of their country today… there seems to be a common theme – someone “outside” is messing “us Muslims” up – because otherwise we are “not like that”.  That maybe right, but some no one can hit you if you don’t let the other do that easily.

I sincerely think one thing that Pakistanis need to learn is to take responsibility for their lot.  The rules seems to be:

1. If anything goes right in the country, it is because they did it.

2. If something goes wrong, it is because the Westerners or outsiders did it.

3. But if something “good” happened and outsiders were involved, it is because Pakistanis “forced” them to do that “good”.

4. And if something “wrong” happened and the Pakistanis did it.. it is because the Westerners or outsiders FORCED them to do it!

Kinda like a dependency mentality.  Terrorism is mainstream today, let someone .. a common man get up and say.. I fucked up when Jinnah (Direct Action Day of 1946), Zia (Khalistan/Kashmir terrorism) and others played with fire everytime and I supported them in the name of Allah!!

“Allah the merciful” ki duhai bahut pehle dee jaani chahiye thi.. its too late now!

How many Pakistanis cried when Ahmediyas were declared blasphemous to Islam?  Do you think today’s intolerance of each other has different roots?  Dont you think killing an Ahmediya because of blasphemy law was as much a mockery of that same Allah?  The day Allah was rendered “contextual” was to far back!  This is just the maturing of that same contextualization….

Most people in Pakistan are right in saying that the problems they face are multi-faceted – but cure is available right under their nose – in your heart!  Allah does not become relevant when a Muslim kills Muslim… but when ANY man kills ANY man.  Unfortunately, that never happened… the intolerance for “others” after sometime haunts one’s own house… because the definition of “other” gets narrower and narrower!