Women Should not vote as they are stupid – Republican party "thought-leader" Ann Coulter declares!

It took US until 1960’s to give women permission to vote, while India gave it as soon as we were independent!  Here is a mad woman, Ann Coulter, as crazy as they can possibly come – who is the toast of Republican crowd – who believes that women should not vote because they have lesser brains!  And the reason why Republican party of the US is a smarter party because more men vote for it!

She is also surprised that a light bulb could make Oceans warmer.  She thinks that even primitive people would laugh at that.  Well, sure they would!  Because they would not know – just as she does not… being the stupid female that she characterizes other women to be – that light bulb is run by electricity.. and it takes carbon at most times to get those electrons going.. which hurts the ozone and so the Oceans get warmer.

I have always believed that Countries and Societies that are powers in any era are so because of 3 things:

  • Scientific temper
  • Trade Dominance
  • Military dominance

When such powers decline scientific temper is the first casualty.  One can clearly see the first steps in the decline of US as a world power! Coulter’s answers are mind boggling even by her mad standards!

On women:
If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president. It’s kind of a pipe dream, it’s a personal fantasy of mine, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women.
It also makes the point, it is kind of embarrassing, the Democratic Party ought to be hanging its head in shame, that it has so much difficulty getting men to vote for it. I mean, you do see it’s the party of women and ‘We’ll pay for health care and tuition and day care — and here, what else can we give you, soccer moms?’
On why global warming is religion on the left:
Because we can’t prove them wrong for a thousand years, and I think the other thing about it is, it goes back to Chesterton’s statement: that when people stop believing in God, the problem isn’t that they believe in nothing, it’s that they’ll believe anything. And that’s what you constantly see with people who don’t believe in God: They’re always imitating the most ridiculous, primitive religions. And it is like a primitive religion, thinking if we just change these lightbulbs, we can change the temperature of the ocean. It’s the craziest thing! Even primitive people wouldn’t believe something that silly.