Yahoo Messenger now comes to the web!

Now Yahoo is here with Messenger on the web.  So you dot need to download the messenger client.  Just use it from the web.  Also, the history of all your conversations is now carried on the yahoo servers itself.. and not the person’s pc.  Now, Yahoo can place its ads on your messenger… and for the users the good thing maybe that they may be able to bypass the firewall!  Many companies do not allow employees to use the messenger (no downloads allowed).

So, this is a good option now.  Yahoo needs more such actions.  In fact this messenger should be made available as an embed for any blog.. that way it can become the messaging client of choice for most blogs – to use it for chatting with the users on a blog.  If the sign ups on yahoo and the blog (say on drupal thru APIs) can be synced up.. it will be an awesome boost for yahoo messaging..

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