Brexit A Delusional Decision, Says India’s Minister Hardeep Singh Puri

Brexit A Delusional Decision, Says India’s Minister Hardeep Singh Puri

He’s a former Indian career diplomat who has served in the United Kingdom and has also been India’s permanent representative to the United Nation but Hardeep Singh Puri—now a minister in the Narendra Modi government—likes to describe himself as “somebody who has professionally studied the false narrative”. In an interview with SNI’s Editor-in-Chief Nitin A. Gokhale, Puri, who was among the few people who had famously predicted that Donald Trump would become the 45th President of the United States, cites his reasons for doing so in the face of a deluge of opinion polls predicting Hillary Clinton’s win. Puri, whose second book “Delusional Politics” was launched recently, also delves into history to cite how Adolf Hitler goofed up big time when he was so close to winning the Second World War. The minister also says multilateralism is going through an existential crisis at the United Nations, and that Brexit was a decision Britain could have done without.

#Brexit #Modi #Trump


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