25+ Stunning Photos Showing Grace, Beauty and Power of the Indian Woman

25+ Stunning Photos Showing Grace, Beauty and Power of the Indian Woman

India is probably the only culture left where feminine is still worshiped as divine.  Irrespective of how the social mores may have transitioned to hold the woman’s well-being and indeed her existence hostage in this era, Indian woman is still a being of grace, beauty and amazing power.

In these portraits of women from different regions of India, you can feel the power of her presence and grace of her being shine through the beauty that she obviously exudes.

When the world has thrown the feminine by the way side, and refused to even consider her to be worthy of worship, Indian woman has the opportunity and responsibility to enhance the humanity.

Here is a Photo essay on the Indian Woman

pilgrims – dwarka – gujarat – india
Sani Festival, Zanskar valley, India
Sani Festival, Zanskar valley, India

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