About Us

Drishtikone was started in 2005.

It was an attempt to chronicle my times for my coming generations.  Being from India and living in the US, presented me with an unique opportunity to look at the world.  I did not want to miss it.

On this blog you will find assimilation of India’s thought and spiritual heritage along with technology and business analysis from the modern times.  Everything is our concern as long as we live in this world.  Whether you are a teacher, or a Yogi, or a truck driver or a Corporate CEO, everything can and does impact you.  Politics, Spirituality, Technology, Terrorism, Beauty, Art, Culture, and Money.

Drishtikone means “View (Drishti) from an Angle (kone)” in Hindi.  It simply means Perspective.  This blog is, therefore, perspective on Life and the World.  From a distinct Indian standpoint.  Which is unique, uncompromising and engaging.

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