How to get a Website like Drishtikone

How to get a Website like Drishtikone

For every website owner, it is important to have a good looking site. This is why people spend so much time using a Website builder to ensure their site looks professional.  At Drishtikone, we make sure that the user experience is the best you can have.  This is why we use a good hosting service as well as good-looking powerful theme.  We also look for some useful plugins that are going to help us get connected to the users.

Here is how we have created Drishtikone.

Domain Name:  We recommend Godaddy as the main provider of domain names.  It is easy, flexible and also cost effective.  The India and the US sites are different.  If you want to buy a domain in the US – please go to this Godaddy site.  If you want to buy a domain name in India – please go to this Godaddy site.

Godaddy Domain Pricing
Godaddy Domain Pricing

Hosting:  We prefer Bluehost‘s Cloud Sites option.  This option is available to both the US and Indian buyers. Bluehost is an all-round good option for hosting and has very good customer service. If you would like to learn how to build a website on Bluehost then follow this link here.

Bluehost US Cloud Pricing
Bluehost US Cloud Pricing
Bluehost India Hosting Pricing
Bluehost India Hosting Pricing

Alternate option for Hosting.

We have used one other hosting and by experience we can say that it is top notch in every way.  Specially in terms of support.  The technical team is very helpful and responds really fast and will go the extra mile to help you out.  That hosting company is Interserver.   They have all the options – shared, VPS and Cloud and also dedicated servers.

Interserver Hosting Pricing

Themes for the site: There are many free themes available for folks who want to have a good website, but they do not come with all the features that one may need.  So what is the option?  We have found that the best place to get a WordPress theme (and also for Drupal and other blogging and ecommerce platforms like Ghost, Magento, Prestashops etc) is the site called Themeforest.

To get the best theme for a Blog or a Magazine (these will be more complex than the Blog theme), go to this category on the site – Blog / Magazine.  One thing is very important for any blogger while buying a theme – theme should be supported for long term by the maker of the theme.  Many themes unfortunately are abandoned by their developers.  The one major motivating factor for a developer to keep going on is the revenue.  The more a theme is sold, the more his customers and the more he needs to support his theme, or no one will ever buy his themes again.  In short, nothing succeeds like success.  So sort the page you get by “Best Sellers”.  The higher the sales, the higher the importance of that site for the developer in supporting the theme, because he is literally making millions off of it!  So select a top Best Seller theme from this category that you like and go with it.

I have found that those with Visual Composer plugin are difficult to configure despite the ease of the VC plugin.  And the reason is that you dont get enough widgets with any theme.  So look for the themes without the VC if possible.

For Drishtikone we have used the theme Soledad theme And we are very happy with it.   This is a preview of how the original theme looks like.  You can see how we at Drishtikone have customized it for ourselves, when you go to the homepage.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us for help.

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