Insightful newsletter of Drishtikone - Issue #2

Insightful newsletter of Drishtikone - Issue #2
Insightful newsletter of Drishtikone

The COVID lockdown has brought us face to face with our greatest contribution to our planet and consequently our lives. How humanity has spectacularly destroyed the only habitat it has.

vizag disaster

Nothing brought this home than the terribly scenes from the leak in Vizag. Videos on twitter show bodies and people lying all over the roads and one which shows a woman fall down on the road from the effects.

Visakhapatnam gas leak: Chilling scenes bring back memories of Bhopal gas tragedy

Unconscious children, people laying on roads, health workers attending to those affected by styrene vapour leak and residents fleeing were some of the


The LG Polymers plant had 1800 tonnes of Styrene at the time of the leak. Several people from villages - RRV Puram, Venkatapuram, BC Colony, Padmapuram and Kamparapalem - were found unconscious on the roads.

Map of where the gas leak happened

Map of where the gas leak happened

The police is saying that the gas maybe “non-poisonous” can be fatal only when one is exposed for longer durations.

A specialized CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) team of the NDRF and medical specialists are being rushed to Vizag.

social diversity and freedom

We investigated the ideal of social diversity and the challenges that different situations bring in its path. And asked the question which is shunned by almost zombie like fanaticism - Is Social Diversity really a strength?

Is Social Diversity Really a Strength?

Is social diversity really a strength for any society? It goes against the grain of liberal thought and indeed what is called the core strength of Indian civilizational ethos.


The idea is not to argue against diversity. That would be foolish. But to look at the overwhelming evidence of different ways in which inclusive and exclusive groups interact with each other and how societies take shape.

A court case has been filed against Zee TV anchor Sudhir Chaudhary against his discussion of Jihad. In India, it is acceptable to abuse Hindus, their symbols and gods, but unacceptable to even discuss terrorism and Jihad with evidence. It is a sign of how diversity gets bastardized by the very intent to perpetuate it. Listen to what is happening in detail.

Jihad Vs Zee | Sudhir Chaudhary Show

Jihad Vs Zee | Sudhir Chaudhary Show

The entire media outside of Zee is quiet at this throttling of a news anchor’s voice.

media bias

There is a media bias which is by commission. They say things in ways that benefit one side. But more than that, there has been a bias of omission or more importantly for researchers of social trends and events - the problem of unobserved population.

In most cases, only the news organizations that assembled the stories are aware of the potential stories that were not selected for distribution. Outside observers—especially prior to the advent of new media—could only view the final product of the newsgathering process; any “raw material” that ended up on the cutting-room floor was part of an unobserved population. (source)

We can only create trends out of things that were reported. Not ones which were thrown out by over-zealous editors. Those who are being exposed now.

Just think about it.

By Desh

lede and the nutgraf - making sense of daily clutter

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